It's all about me ...

[March 2021]

Well, here I am again. My name is still Kate and Oestrogen is still not my friend. In fact, Oestrogen is my nemesis ...

Back in 2012, as is documented in this blog, I was diagnosed with invasive oestrogen-responsive (ER8) breast cancer. I ran the full gamut of chemotherapy, lumpectomy, mastectomy, reconstruction ... and did (most of) the right things to keep me well.

But Oestrogen is a vengeful little bitch. Not content with seeing off my boob, she's now wreaked havoc on my lady parts and tried to catch me out with another C-bomb. 

Well, I'm not having it ... and she needs to f*ck right off.

[January 2012]

My name's Kate and
I was born in 1973, the second of a stroppy pair of identical twins.

There is no immediate history of breast cancer in my family but in 1997 my sister found a lump on her chest.  It turned out to be a fibroadenoma and was successfully removed. So when a lump was found on my right breast in late 2011, that’s what I assumed it would be. I was wrong ...

On 25th January 2012, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Apart from being shocked, I was really bloody annoyed: "What a massive inconvenience ... !?" I thought. "I like my life the way it is. I really don't have time for this sort of carry on!"

And so I started this blog. Mainly to keep friends and family updated but also for my own sake - to capture the good days to lighten the bad.

Because I've never been one to suffer fools gladly, and cancer is one fool that I'm certainly not prepared to entertain. In fact, Cancer Can F*ck Off!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Kate, I was just checking out a few of your posts and had quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance, thanks!

