I have been truly overwhelmed by the amount of support I’ve received.
Both from friends and family, as well as people that I barely know – or have
never met! It’s been amazing.
Leading the charge though has always been Mr P. and this
weekend he surpassed himself, rallying a full-on ‘Ground Force’ style team to
come and blitz my overgrown garden.
Armed with strimmers, pick-axes and saws they came; digging
out concrete, chopping down trees and generally weeding for England ... while I
just looked on in awe, proffering tea and biscuits. It was a truly fantastic
So please can I say an ENORMOUS thank you to everyone who so generously gave up their time to
help: to Barry, Neil, Roger, Diana, Rachel and Craig ... but mostly to my
wonderful Martin (Mr P.) who I have NEVER seen work so hard!
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