Had the obligatory chat with my Macmillan Nurse and got a whole library of literature to peruse at my leisure. To be fair, I already knew quite a lot of the stuff that she told me but the key points are that my tumour is:
- An Invasive/Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma - so has already spread from the milk duct, where it started, and into the breast issue.
- Stage 1 (probably) - in that it seems to be less than 2cm.
- Grade 2 - so growing at a moderate speed.
- Hormone responsive - and feeding on the oestrogen in my body.
And so we began. First with a blood test (urgh!) and then with a 30-minute MRI scan (double URGH!). The veins in both my arms are thoroughly bruised and battered. How they're going to find a free vein to stab tomorrow at my bone scan, Christ-only-knows, but if it means I can see the back of this parasitic little f*cker, so be it!
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